Google Store Configuration

All android apps must be setup in Google Play Console before builds can be uploaded automatically.

Table of contents

  1. Screenshots
  2. Create new app in store
  3. Enable automatic uploads


For auto screenshot generation see

Create new app in store

  1. Go to Google Play Console (

  2. Click on Create Application and provide a title for your app.
    It is recommended to use the same name in both stores. For example, MyUniqueAppName.

  3. Provide additional required information ‘Short Description’, ‘Long Description’, store graphics, etc… For Feature Graphic generation see

  4. When all necessary information is provided, click on Save Draft.

  5. Complete Content Rating (requires an .apk)

  6. Complete Pricing and Distribution

Enable automatic uploads

Google Play Console requires uploading the app for the first time manually. (AFAIK this is required so Google Play Console knows the App ID). We will use the beta track to do the upload and then delete it when done. Fledge will be able to do uploads automatically after this.

  1. Goto App Releases and open a beta track. Click on Manage and Create Release

  2. Click on Continue to allow Google to manage app signing key

  3. Click on Browse Files to upload either
    a) the current apk (built with flutter build apk) from build/app/outputs/apk/release/app-release.apk.
    b) the current aab (built with flutter build bundle) from build/app/outputs/bundle/release/app-release.aab.

  4. Discard the pending beta track release using the Discard button
    (since fledge uses the alpha track by default)