The App ID, App Name, icons and signing should be set in the iOS config files.

Table of contents

  1. App ID
  2. App Name
  3. App Icons
  4. App Signing

Open Xcode

open ios/Runner.xcworkspace

App ID

Update the Bundle Identifier to the same as the application id used on android, eg, com.mycompany.myapp.

Note: Version and Build can be ignored. These are updated automatically by the Fledge.

App Name

  1. Update the Display Name to MyUniqueAppName.
  2. In Runner>Runner>Info.plist, set Bundle display name to MyUniqueAppName.

App Icons

To generate a complete set of icons from a single image, see This will generate a complete Asset Catalog. Overwrite the existing catalog using:

cp <location of downloaded icons>/ios/AppIcon.appiconset/* ios/Runner/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset

App Signing

Signing is done via Fastlane match and requires a private repository.

There are a variety of options to setup a private repository. You can use a private repository from GitHub (for free) or from another repository provider, or provide your own.

For information on how to set-up a private repo for match see:

Setting-up your app for iOS signing:

  1. Initialize match.
    It will ask for the location and write access to the remote private match repo.

     cd ios
     fastlane match init

    This creates a (temporary) file at ios/fastlane/Matchfile.

    Remember the following match values for use in configuring as secret variables in the build server

    1. The url of your private repository
    2. The user/pass to access the private repository
    3. The password to unencrypt the match certificates
  2. Create your app in App Store Connect.
    You will be asked for a unique name for the app for end users during this step. It is recommended to use the same name in both stores. For example, MyUniqueAppName.

     fastlane produce -u -a com.mycompany.myapp -q MyUniqueAppName

    See for details.

  3. Sync the match repo with the app store.
     fastlane match appstore

    Among other things, this will create a provisioning profile that is used during app setup above. For example, match AppStore com.mycompany.myapp.

  4. Delete the Matchfile (as it contains secure info)

In Xcode:

Go to Signing (Release) and select the provisioning profile created during match setup. For example, use the following provisioning profile:

match AppStore com.mycompany.myapp